Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tracking your Fitness

Sit back and take a glance at our society, media surrounds us every second of every day...we cannot escape it. You, like my brothers, may even find yourself camping outside Best Buy in order to receive the newest iPhone upgrade or game system. We rarely leave our cell phones out of arms reach and we are unfortunately losing the value of having real relationships with other people due to social media. So why not use our “best friend/companion” for a little help in the area of fitness and health?

The days are long gone from carrying around a pad of paper and pen to write down every single food item and beverage that you consume during the day, however you DO carry around that handheld touch screen with many functions. So… instead let’s figure out some ways to record food/beverage intake as well as fitness with your favorite electronic. Spend some time glancing through the different apps available for you to find the best one. Below are a few of the favorites I have seen and tried. When I starting looking for apps… I had to choose from 5,405 that pulled up so find your personal favorite!

My Fitness Pal has become my favorite app to use to track my exercise, weight and daily food intake. It gives a calorie goal and tells how many calories are left after each meal. It gives a good graph to monitor weight over a period of time. So set a goal and give it a try!

Map My Run is another running app that I use as I am training for my next race (which I need to find some motivation for!) It shows mileage and routes.

Fitness Buddy Pick a region of the body in which you want to focus on working out (core, shoulders, back, etc) and the app gives you exercises. I have never used this but looks like it would be a good exercise tool.

Nike+ Running or Run Keeper Keep up with the mileage and time you are running while listening to your music.

Couch to 5k/Half marathon My roommate and I have given this a try during occasional afternoon runs. It begins with a walk and jog for a few minutes and then walk again. The day I tried it the work out flew by. If you have never run a race and deep down want to make that a goal then give this a try!

Calorie King Eating out can become overwhelming and frustrating if one is trying to limit caloric intake. Check this out next time you are given a menu and find a healthier option that best suits you.

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