Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fresh Blueberries!

With spring approaching, so are fresh blueberries! A new goal I set for this year is to start growing my own vegetables, fruits and herbs and what better way than to start by growing some blueberries. So your next question is where is the best place to order a blueberry plant? Well I have the perfect solution for you. My dad is part owner of a blueberry propagation company in Tampa, FL and they sell blueberry plants. Check out the website and order a blueberry plant so that you can have fresh blueberries outside your home this spring and summer.

Blueberries offer a lot of good nutrients and contain no fat. They are packed with vitamin C, fiber and manganese. They also offer antioxidant activities (antioxidants neutralize the free radicals which are known to lead to cancer, cardiovascular disease and other health issues).  Blueberries are a great fruit in terms of nutrients, they are delicious and one of my all time favorite fruits!

Check out the website and order your blueberry plant today!

Monday, January 2, 2012


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope that 2011 brought many great memories and lessons learned. A friend of mine just recently said that instead of one new years resolution she is coming up with 12 goals to accomplish for 2012. What a great idea! These goals can include cooking a new recipe each week, visiting three new places, finding somewhere to volunteer a certain number of days a month or whatever you can come up with to make your 2012 a great year! If you have not come up with a resolution for this year then set some goals to help make it a memorable year.

Every Monday, Kids Eat Right (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) sends a Monday Message. Today's is such a great idea for a healthy snack or noon meal or a great way to have a healthy meal interaction with your kids. Enjoy!!

Have a wonderful new year!